Monthly Archives: August 2013

I Want to Be

I want to be,

like the wind,

beneath the tree..,

sweet and cool.

I want to caress the leaves

and the grass.

I want to float lightly from

the past,

caressing  the wild flowers.

I want to soar past…,

the tree tops,

and beyond the heights,

holding you in my breath,

and kissing you softly!


Withered tree

Withered tree (Photo credit: Gatis Gribusts)


Away from you.


My back on the World.

I cannot look

Upon the suffering

The lying

The deception.

My own…



The leaves are falling

From society’s trees

Brown, black

Rotten… dead!

The rain of love

Hides in drought.

My soul our souls

Go un-watered,

Wilting in the heat

Of pain.

Waiting for the rejuvenating

Liquid to cool

Our souls.

The Funk

Image of tulip taken after rain storm

Image of tulip taken after rain storm (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have been in a funk lately, and have really been unable to write, well maybe create is the right word. My hands still work, just not my brain.       I have had no inspiration, as the joy of life has not shown with its usual brilliance. Wife and kids, work, these were all I could concentrate on, you know just trying’ to get through. These fits happen from time to time, and usually I find I am unaware until it’s almost over. The end usually coincides with the awareness. My brain awakens, and I begin to work, freeing my mind from the fog. It’s not a sadness or depression. It is more a shutting of the mind to all things not related to getting through the day.  Then like the sun re-appearing after a gloomy rain storm, I feel the joy of living. The zest of life returns, and my mind and soul re-awaken. I guess I just get caught up in the day-to-day. I am back at it though, and the world is beautiful again, and the hamster on the wheel in my head is running marathons!

So that’s where I’ve been, slogging through that morass. So I begin again, to add my thoughts to this blog (now that there are some!).  Please forgive my time away. I hope what comes after will be inspired and inspiring. Thanks for reading and journeying with me.

Eloises Edibles

The relatable foodies blog

Words on a blackboard

In a world of poems, words steal love and put it on a blackboard

Yellingrosa Weblog

Poetry, Visual Arts, Music and IT Tech

Sarah J. Carlson

Contemporary Young Adult Author