Monthly Archives: November 2013

For my Wife and Zena

My wife’s dog died this morning. She was a beautiful border collie named Zena. Through extenuating circumstances my wife had not been able to spend as much time with her lately as she would like,and this made her sad, as she is an avid animal lover.  When Zena died this morning I wanted to do something to assuage her pain, and I don’t know if this will help but, I hope dearly that it does. Life is a cycle and people tell you that, in hopes that it will make you feel better. We all know it is a cycle and yet somehow that never alleviates the sadness of loss. Maybe these words that she will read at the same time as you, will help.Picture 002

You were my backyard friend,

My partner on neighborhood walks

You brought me joy


You were a happy runner

An elated jumper.

You brought us joy


You greeted me each morning

with a whoop and a wag.

You loved me with a lick.

You were a joy everyday.

You were a gamer,

Chasing toys all afternoon

You were my friend and we would play,

This brought me joy everyday.

You were a companion,

To my children.

Their childhood friend

Your company bringing them joy


You loved us unconditionally

With your heart and soul in your eyes.

I loved you the same way everyday.

You have left us now,

But you take with you A piece

of my heart, to be your companion

As you go to your eternal home

Beyond the sky.

I will keep you always

In my soul and cherish every memory,

And you will remain

A joy to me everyday.

Goodbye, my friend,

my companion.

I hope will find joy everyday.

Eloises Edibles

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Words on a blackboard

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Yellingrosa Weblog

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Sarah J. Carlson

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