Blog Archives

Little Feet

Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

The rain, on the window falls.


Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

The clock chime echoes through the halls.


Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

The sound of little feet.


Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

Here comes the kitty fresh from sleep.


Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

Claws scratch the wood in the hall.


Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

The little mouse will fall.


Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

Click the little feet.


Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter,

Back to sleep



Eloises Edibles

The relatable foodies blog

Words on a blackboard

In a world of poems, words steal love and put it on a blackboard

Yellingrosa Weblog

Poetry, Visual Arts, Music and IT Tech

Sarah J. Carlson

Contemporary Young Adult Author